Health Literacy

Health Literacy

What is Health Literacy?

The Health Literacy training introduces concepts that support and emphasize the importance of communicating health information clearly, through a tailored approach specific to the needs of the client. Health information is presented in consideration of individual client needs, and deliberately delivered in a manner that is more conducive for clients to receive and process the information. This will increase a client’s ability to make informed healthcare decisions and have greater influence over the navigation and access of healthcare information and services. In this training, participants will gain an understanding of Health Literacy concepts and learn practical skills for engaging with patients to promote clear and effective communication, to help clients set and achieve their goals for health.

This level of training is applicable to a wide range of professionals and peer helpers.

Participants who register for the training need to bring a sample of a flyer or a communication tool that they use in their work with their clients to the training. This will be reviewed using the tools that participants will learn in the training.

What are the different types of training available?

A 1.5 hour webinar provides an introduction to the concept of health literacy. This is ideal for an overview.

A 3.5 hour training includes skill building on these topics: plain language and design; chunk and check; teach-back; and ask-tell-ask. This is ideal for front line service providers at all levels as well as administrative and communication staff in an organization.

A full day (8 hour) training builds on the 3.5 hour training and include review of organizational strategies as well as community focused strategies to improve health literacy as well as planning of a project to execute steps within one’s practice, team, organization, or community to improve health literacy. Senior leadership and management will be critical members of the attendee group.

Who leads the training?

Health Literacy training is led by two trained facilitators who were screened and selected to attend a comprehensive training. These individuals are practicing clinicians working in institutions across Toronto. They are part of an active community of practice that meets regularly and have been instrumental in the roll out of this program by SRCHC.

Who developed the training?

The Centre for Collaboration, Communication, Motivation, and Innovation developed this evidence-informed training and continue to update it periodically to ensure it can help inform health care workers’ practical learning and practice to support the health goals of clients.

Health Literacy Programs

Friday, October 18, 2024 - Friday, October 25, 2024
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Once a week for 2 weeks (Friday)

Registration available untill Thursday, October 10, 2024

Spaces Available