Choices and Changes Training

What is Choices and Changes?

Choices and Changes: Motivating Health Behaviour is a training designed by the  Institute for Health Care Communication that presents health care providers with an opportunity to explore their own beliefs about the behaviour change process and to test out these beliefs against the current evidence-based best practice.

What happens in this training?

A group of 10 to 16 health care providers from the same team or discipline working within an institution attend a virtual training to learn motivational interviewing-based communication skills that can help them build rapport as well as engage their clients in a conversation about healthy behaviour change.

A typical training is 4.5 hours in length and the attendees learn skills that can help them influence patient health behaviours.

By the end of the training participants will be able to:

  • Describe the role of the provider as a facilitator of change
  • Identify specific strategies to assess the provider’s role in the change process
  • Describe 2 skills to influence changing patient’s behaviour, which apply to situations in the clinical setting
  • Demonstrate techniques to use in clinical settings to influence change

During each training, participants:

  • Receive Choices and Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviour Workbook

Participants take on an active role in the program’s  activities by reflecting on their day-to-day work and working with other participants to practice these skills in small groups.

How will this training be delivered virtually?

We are currently working with partner institutions and Institute for Health Care Communication to deliver this training virtually through a web-based platform like Zoom Meeting. Stay tuned for more information. 

Who can attend this training?

Certified health care providers living or providing health services to clients living in the Ontario Health – Toronto region can register. Clinicians/providers affiliated with institution/initiatives listed below, should write to us with their interest, specifying their department/team as we have specific arrangements in offering C&C with:

  1. Bridgepoint Active Healthcare
  2. Toronto Stroke Network
  3. Sunnybrook Hospital
  4. University Health Network
  5. Women’s College Hospital

Who leads the training?

Trained facilitators who are health care providers working across disciplines and institutions lead this training. These individuals were screened and selected to attend a five-day training and are part of an active community of practice.

Who developed the training?

The Institute for Health Care Communication developed this evidence-based training and they periodically update it to match the latest evidence.

Choices and Changes Training