We offer evidence based group programs virtually that empower individuals living with chronic conditions and their caregivers and foster self-management and self-efficacy skills.
All our programs and services are for individuals older than the age of 18 who are living with a long term health condition and want to learn more about their role in their disease management.
These programs are led by individuals who have experience living with various long term health conditions. These individuals have been selected and trained to offer a variety of programs and services within the Ontario Health – Toronto region.
In light of COVID-19 pandemic, to protect both clients and individuals living with long-term health clients, all programs will be delivered via web or teleconference.
Participants who attend our programs and services also receive:
- Program resources (textbook, CDs, and booklet)
- Orientation to and support by staff to attend virtual platforms
There is no cost to attend. This is a program funded by Ontario Health – Toronto region.
All programs and services will not conflict with existing programs or treatment.