COVID-19 Public Updates
If you think you have the coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine if you need to seek further care, click here.
If you do not have OHIP, you will not have to pay for health services related to COVID-19. Please do not hesitate to get help if you are feeling sick. Ontario expands coverage for care for uninsured people.
The COVID-19 Assessment Centre at Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) is now open and seeing patients by appointment only 416-469-6858. The Assessment Centre cannot be accessed from inside the hospital. The entrance is located on the Northside of the building off Mortimer Ave., west of the Emergency department (see map on this page).
If you are worried you might have COVID-19, call:
Telehealth Ontario: | 1-866-797-0000 |
24 hours/day, 7 days a week |
Toronto Public Health Coronavirus Information Line: |
416-338-7600 8:30 am-8 pm Monday-Friday, 10 am-6 pm weekends |
More information:
Health Canada Coronavirus Information Service: |
1-833-784-4397 |
WHO Advice for the Public:
Includes myth-busters about coronavirus, instructions on when and how to use surgical masks, basic prevention strategies.
Health Canada Coronavirus Website:
Information about Coronavirus in Canada, Canada’s response, and travel advice for those planning or returning from travel.
Ontario Ministry of Health Novel Coronavirus website:
Guidance for Ontarians about COVID-19, provincial-level public health response, and testing. Coronavirus information sheet about coronavirus in many languages.
Public Health Ontario Website:
Instructions for how to self-monitor, self-isolate, how caregivers should self-isolate, how to clean surfaces, etc. Available in multiple priority languages.
Toronto Public Health website:
Information on risk of coronavirus in Toronto, advice for protecting yourself, city-level public health response, and who to call for help.